Using bare arguments with Ember components

Dan McClain

Partner & Developer

Dan McClain

ember-cli-async-button provides you with a button that changes state based on a promise in an action. We received a request a while back to allow users to pass parameters to the action the async-button calls. We provided the following API for doing so:

{{async-button model action="save" default="Save" pending="Saving..."}}

The async-button calls the following save action:

export default Ember.Component.extend({
  actions: {
    save(callback, model) {

Notice that the callback function is still your first argument, but you get the model as the second argument now. Prior to Ember 1.13, you had to create a helper which looked through the parameters passed in, and instantiate the component, and pass the parameters down. And you had to worry about bindings and streams, so this was a bit complicated.

Positional Parameters

With the release of Ember 1.13, components have a special property called positionalParams, which can be an array of strings that would translate parameters in the component instantiation into properties on the component.

{{x-foo "Dan" "McClain"}}
// x-foo component

export default Ember.Component.extend({
  positionalParams: ['firstName', 'lastName']

// Retrieving the values
Ember.get(this, 'firstName'); // => "Dan"
Ember.get(this, 'lastName');  // => "McClain"

"Dan" and "McClain" would be set as firstName and lastName, respectively, on the component. You may ask “What if we want to have an arbitrary number of parameters passed to our component?” Well, that’s handled for you too! If positionalParams is a string, instead of an array, the parameters passed to your component will be an array set to that property.

{{x-foo "Dan" "McClain"}}
// x-foo component

export default Ember.Component.extend({
  positionalParams: 'nameParts'

// Retrieving the values
Ember.get(this, 'nameParts'); // => ["Dan", "McClain"]

Cleaning up ember-cli-async-button

We no longer have to make a helper to clean up our API for async-button, and here is the commit where I did so. I set the positionalParams here. Note that I removed the helper that we had previously used to provide the same API. When you are creating a component and you want a way to pass parameters that are not explicitly bound to properties, you can now use positionalParams, and not muck around with helpers and streams just to pass info into your component!


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