Rubyists Guide to Ember.js Dependencies


At DockYard, we have a lot of Ruby on Rails experts who have adopted Ember on the frontend. One of the early hurdles a Ruby developer faces when working on an Ember.js application is dependency management. A popular mechanism for managing a Ruby application’s dependencies is the Gemfile provided by Bundler. Including a library is as easy as declaring it in the Gemfile and running bundle install:

# Gemfile
source ''
gem 'rails', '~> 4.2.0'

For better or worse, there is no dominant, single package manager in JavaScript. Ember applications, and more specifically, those running Ember-CLI, rely on two package managers: Bower for client-side libraries and npm for server-side libraries.

In this post, I’ll provide a basic dependency management primer for those moving from Ruby to JavaScript.


Ember-CLI uses npm to manage internal dependencies. npm resembles RubyGems, in so far as it allows you to install and manage third-party libraries, which in this case, are Node.js programs.


Libraries for npm are referred to as “packages.” Each package has a package.json file which lists the dependencies of the library itself. In this regard, the package.json is analogous to a RubyGem’s gemspec file.


You can configure how node packages get installed via the .npmrc file. You may have one globally, per user (~/.npmrc), or per project.

Installing dependencies

To install an npm package, run npm install [package-name] from the command line.

This will either install the library and it’s dependencies into your current working directory or in one of its parent directories. Here’s how it works: if there is a node_modules/ or package.json in any directory above the current working directory, packages will be installed into that directory. Otherwise, calling npm install [package-name] creates a node_modules/ directory in your current working directory and installs the packages there.

This is a slightly different mental model for Rubyists who are not used to installing gems on a per project basis; gems are generally installed into version-specific Ruby directories with the more popular version managers like rbenv or RVM.

It’s also possible to install packages globally using the --global flag when installing. This installs the package in your usr/local/lib/ directory by default. These packages typically contain executable files and are used via the command line (such as Ember-CLI).

Your dependencies will likely have dependencies. These get installed within a node_modules/ directory in the given package. It’s a little strange the first time you navigate into a node_modules/package-name/ only to find another node_modules/ directory, but that’s what that is. You’ll notice a node_modules/ directory for dependencies of global packages as well if you look in the usr/local/lib/ directory where global packages live.

One last thing to note regarding npm installations: npm caches the libraries you pull down to prevent you from having to download libraries that are already on your system. You’ll find that cache: ~/.npm/.


While you’ll use npm to manage your server-side Node.js dependencies, you’ll use Bower for managing front-end assets, such as JavaScript, HTML, CSS, image, and font files.


Bower itself is an npm package. Its libraries are referred to as “components” and the end user can configure their installations via a .bowerrc file. This file specifies where dependent components will be installed, the URL where the component will be registered (its registry), and the JSON file used to define the component (bower.json by default) among other things.


The bower.json file resembles the gemspec file you find in Ruby gems. It contains the library metadata, such as the name, version, dependencies, and development dependencies for the library.

As we mentioned, components can be searched for via registries. The registry matches the name of a component with the endpoint at which it’s hosted. closely resembles in this way.

Installing dependencies

When you install a Bower component via bower install [component_name], the repository will be cached locally to expedite any future installations of the component. In case you’re curious, the bower cache location is: ~/.cache/bower/.

Unlike npm, Bower components are installed “flat” as opposed to in a hierarchical manner; all of your project’s components (and their dependencies) will be installed into bower_components/ directory, by default. For example, if one of your components is dependent on the underscore.js library, both will sit side-by-side in the bower_components/ directory (remember, with npm, dependencies of dependencies are continually nested in their parent’s directory within a node_modules/ directory).


Here’s a quick wrap-up of the analogous files between Ruby and the JS package managers we discussed:

Description Ruby JS (npm, server-side) JS (Bower, client-side)
Term for external library “Gem” “Package” “Component”
End-user configuration file .gemrc .npmrc .bowerrc
Per-library configuration file *.gemspec package.json bower.json
Cache directory ~/.gem/ ~/.npm/ ~/.cache/bower/

As ES2015 (formerly known as “ES6”) becomes more prevalent and JavaScript code becomes more modular and better for passing around, dependency management grows in importance. Hopefully this quick primer will clear up some confusion Rubysists have as they transition from working with the Gemfile to working with the package managers JavaScript offers.


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