Bubbling actions through components

Dan McClain

Partner & Developer

Dan McClain

If you’re building components for re-use, you’re likely to run into the following problem. Say you built a form component, and you also built some type of custom button component. You want the action triggered by the button to be handled in your controller or route. If you try to bind the action of that inner button, it will be captured by the component, not the controller. The issue is that components swallow actions that are triggered within them; they will not escape the component unless we punch a hole for them to bubble up.

You need to capture the action of the inner components and fire off new actions from the parent component. In the example below, the button is in a component that is inside of another component. The controller has an action to increment the counter.

Ember Starter Kit

Our components’ templates are super simple:

{{! index.hbs}}
  {{pressCount}} Button presses
  {{button-wrapper action="buttonClick"}}

{{! components/button-wrapper.hbs}}
  <h2>Button Wrapper</h2>
  {{press-button action="buttonClick"}}

{{! components/press-button.hbs}}
  <button {{action "buttonClick"}}>My Button</button>

Notice we bind to the action of the press-button component in our button-wrapper component, and in our index template, we bind to the action of the button-wrapper. This alone doesn’t work; we need to send actions from each component when they receive actions from the underlying component.

In our press-button component, we send an action when the button is clicked:

App.PressButtonComponent = Ember.Component.extend({
  classNames: 'press-button',
  actions: {
    buttonClick: function() {

Our button-wrapper receives the action from the press-button component and fires its own action:

App.ButtonWrapperComponent = Ember.Component.extend({
  classNames: 'button-wrapper',
  actions: {
    buttonClick: function() {

And our index controller receives that action from button-wrapper and increments the pressCount:

App.IndexController = Ember.Controller.extend({
  pressCount: 0,

  actions: {
    buttonClick: function() {

Wrapping up

It’s pretty easy, yet tedious to wire up an action from a component within a component. You can trigger actions multiple levels above your initial action, and even mutate the action’s arguments on the way up. Maybe the model that triggered the initial action should be put into some type of intermediate state. Maybe you want to normalize several different actions that are bubbling up through certain components. Since you need to manually bubble these actions up, we can manipulate them at each level that the bubbling occurs. It’s somewhat trivial to handle, you just have to be aware of the work needed to tie all your pieces together.


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