Complex Search Pages Feel Better in Ember

Dan McClain

Partner & Developer

Dan McClain

With many server rendered search pages, a change to your search parameters typically renders a new page. The use of some JavaScript can alter the search results, as seen below. Note that both refreshes and JavaScript results swapping happens.

Whenever the results are altered, it feels (and is) slow. The times that refresh the whole page feel the slowest, but even when a partial change happens, it’s obvious and slow. It feels clunky

With Ember, we can provide a better experience. The video below is a similiar style search page on a site we built for Learnivore with Ember.

Notice that the page never refreshes completely. The search box always stays on the page. And when we switch categories, only the relevant options are swapped out, we don’t have to redraw the whole page. And when we select an additional filter on the left, only the search results are swapped out. This page performs better because it performs less work. It feels better because you are constantly seeing parts of the page reloaded without being changed. The filters on the left only change when they need to.

It will also perform better on low bandwith connections; it only requests the data necessary to render the page. This will require fewer bytes to be sent compared to the server rendered page. When you render the page on the server, you have to include every tag necessary to render that content. When you are using a single page application architecture like Ember, it will only need the data that makes up that result.

What a representation of the server rendered page looks like coming across the web to your device:

    <title>Your search results</title>
    <!-- Several to tens of lines for stylesheets and javascript -->
      <h1>Search results!</h1>
      <p>This can be tens of lines, hundreds of characters to establish content
      and look</p>
      <a href="somepage">Here is one of the search results</a>
      <p>Some description of your search result</p>
      <img src="SomeImage>
    <!--Repeat the result 10/20/50 times -->
      <a href="about>About us</a>
      <p>Hundreds more characters to provide links, style, etc</p>

Since the page needs to be completely reloaded, we need to display not only the contents, but any header and footer content. This simplified example also lacks any type of filters or inputs to alter your results, which would make the amount of data sent to your device larger to view the page. This needs to happen whenever the page is updated.

Compare the above to what Ember requires to update the page:

  searchResults: [
      title: 'Here is one of the search results', url: 'somepage',
      description: 'Some description of your search result', image: 'SomeImage'
    Repeated 10/20/50 times

Bytes are wasted sending down the markup to render the page; it’s already there, along with the header and footer. This payload is much smaller, and provides a friendlier experience to those on a slow connection.

We can provide better interactions with Ember because the user will not see unnecessary rerendering of the same content. The requests to update the content will be smaller, so new results will arrive faster. The difference in speed of these two approaches is increased as the user’s bandwidth shrinks. Faster pages help with conversions, and Ember can provide a faster, more intuitive experience.


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