UX East Camp 2014

Steven Trevathan

Partner & Creative Director

Steven Trevathan

We did it. This weekend went far better than we ever could have imagined. We’re grateful and maybe a tad bit emotional, so bear with us.

The camp was initially intended as somewhat of a proof of concept, but became something much more real than that. Beyond proving that we are all willing to spend 3 days living with complete strangers, we experienced the unique value of the connections, friendships, and mentoring that this style of event facilitated. It turns out that the people who pay good money for and spend a whole weekend on such a unique social and learning environment are exactly the type of people who make it worthwhile. The need to learn, share, and be challenged by their peers is in their blood. This is who they are, and they’re the people we want to bring together.

It goes without saying: Michelle, Ed, JD, and Ben did much more than they were asked to and were the core of what made the camp so great. They shared their wisdom, challenged us to solve hilariously weird and unique problems, guided us, and befriended us. They poured their hearts into this and we are proud and humbled to have had them for our first UX East Camp.

The event was a risk, but the speakers and attendees overwhelming proved to us that it can and should be done. So we’re going to do it again.

See you next year at UX East Camp, Spring 2015.


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