Vim: Moving Lines Ain't Hard

Doug Yun

Engineering Manager

Doug Yun

In the last post, we briefly discussed the power of the map command. In today’s post, we’re going to use map again in order to move lines and blocks around.

Let’s use an example: Our goal is to move the first line to its proper location. From this:

--- second line ---
--- third line ---
--- first line ---

To this:

--- first line ---
--- second line ---
--- third line ---

Delete, Then Paste

Here is one of the most common ways, it ain’t pretty but it gets the job done. We’ll delete the desired line and paste it to the target location.

--- second line ---
--- third line ---
--- first line ---

# Delete the "first line", move to the "second line", and paste the registered
# "first line" above the "second line".
# :3 --> <ENTER> --> dd --> j --> P
# or...
# :3d --> <ENTER> --> :2P --> <ENTER>

I Like the Way You Move

The second way, use the move command with :m. I like this method a lot, as it requires fewer keystrokes. It does require line numbers though. When using absolute line numbers, the destination will be below the line number you specify, so use :m0 to move to the top of the file. Try using hybrid mode.

--- second line ---
--- third line ---
--- first line ---

# Move your cursor on the "first line" (the third line), use the *move* command and
# pass your desired line number as an argument. Hit enter.
# :3 --> <ENTER> --> :m0 --> <ENTER>
# or...
# :3m0 --> <ENTER>

Lazy Moving

Now getting to the map command, I’ve found this pretty handy when I need to move a line or block of lines a couple of lines upward or downward.

" In your ~/.vimrc
" Normal mode
nnoremap <C-j> :m .+1<CR>==
nnoremap <C-k> :m .-2<CR>==

" Insert mode
inoremap <C-j> <ESC>:m .+1<CR>==gi
inoremap <C-k> <ESC>:m .-2<CR>==gi

" Visual mode
vnoremap <C-j> :m '>+1<CR>gv=gv
vnoremap <C-k> :m '<-2<CR>gv=gv

Now you can move lines by holding CTRL and j (for up a line) or k (for down a line).

--- second line ---
--- third line ---
--- first line ---

# Move to the "first line", hold <CTRL> and move up twice.
# :3 --> <ENTER> --> <CTRL> + kk

Now let’s move a block of lines:

--- fourth line ---
--- fifth line ---
--- first line ---
--- second line ---
--- third line ---

# Move to the "first line".
# Select the "first line", "second line", and the "third line" with Visual mode.
# Hit CTRL and move upwards twice.
# :3 -- <ENTER> --> <SHIFT> + V --> jj --> <CTRL> + kk

Other Ways

There are plenty of other tricks that move around lines in Vim. The preceding examples were just a few that I employ everyday. If you’ve got something cool to share, please let me know!


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