Ember Best Practices: Don't Don't Override Init

don't enter
Brian Cardarella

CEO & Founder

Brian Cardarella

The double negative in the title of this article is a jab at another article I wrote nearly a year and a half ago: Don’t Override Init. In that article I advocated for never overriding the init function for your Ember.Object derived classes, instead using Ember.on to kick off a function call for what you’d normally put into init. At the time I still believe this was a good recommendation. But times they do change, and now that we’re all happily using es2015 features via Babel we get access to the great spread operator.

Here is how we are now writing our init functions:

export default Ember.Object.extend({
  init() {
    // our custom code
    return this._super(...arguments);

This is a very clean approach. More importantly: it is more performant. Ok, but what if you were using several Ember.on calls? That’s easy, just break them into functions:


foo: on('init', () => {
  // ...

bar: on('init', () => {
  // ...

baz: on('init', () => {
  // ...


init() {

Bonus points for taking back control of execution order.

You don’t always have to return this._super(...arguments); but in most cases you should.

If you are using ember-cli and you using Ember.on for init-like functionality you should consider this approach instead. Do Override Init!


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