Bringing Ember to the Desktop with NW.js

Estelle DeBlois

Director of Engineering

Estelle DeBlois

One of our recent client projects at DockYard had us go in a totally new direction in terms of technology stack. We needed to build a desktop application that could communicate with some Arduino devices via WebSockets.

Let me first put this out there: I love building for the web. The mere thought of developing native desktop applications always makes me cringe a little, though I admit, I haven’t done much in that arena since those Java Swing days from forever ago. Nevertheless, you may find yourself at some point needing to build for the desktop. Thankfully, you don’t have to put your fuzzy little Tomster away.

NW.js, formerly known as Node WebKit, is a runtime built on top of Chromium and Node/IO.js that lets you develop native applications using the web technologies that you love. You can essentially build an Ember app, and also invoke Node modules all within the browser, then package it up as a Mac OS X application or Windows exe file when you’re ready to distribute.


Here’s a screenshot from a NW.js app built with Ember for demonstration purposes:


It’s a simple GitHub-flavored Markdown Editor that lets you create and preview Markdown documents, and save them to disk.

You can try it for yourself. Just download the application from the following links for your platform, unzip, then double-click on Markdown (Mac) or Markdown Editor.exe (Windows).

For a touch of user friendliness, the app even ships with your favorite mascot:

Mac: Mac Icon

Windows: Windows Icon

Getting Started

The main entry point to a NW.js application is an HTML page that you specify in your project’s package.json:

  "name": "my-app",
  "main": "dist/index.html"

On startup, NW.js will launch a new Chromium browser window, then set the location to that starting page: file:///Users/brzpegasus/projects/my-app/dist/index.html#/.

This does require that you set your Ember.Router location type to hash. In Ember CLI, this is a simple tweak to your config/environment.js file:

// config/environment.js
modules.exports = function(environment) {
  var ENV = {
    locationType: 'hash', // Change this from 'auto' to 'hash'
    // ...

From there on, you should feel quite at home and ready to develop your Ember app.

Or maybe not quite yet.

A Bit About NW.js

NW.js tweaks Chromium and Node in order to integrate the two worlds and make it possible for you to call Node modules from the client:

console.log(location.href);   // Yup, we're in browser land

var fs = require('fs');       // Call core Node modules
var async = require('async'); // Or even third-party modules!

If you’re used to Node and CommonJS, this require function should look very familiar, but it isn’t exactly the same. Here’s what it does:

function require(name) {
  if (name == 'nw.gui')
    return nwDispatcher.requireNwGui();
  return global.require(name);

So if you were to call require('nw.gui'), you would get access to the Native UI Library to do things like manipulating the window frame, adding menus, keyboard shortcuts, etc. Otherwise, the function ends up calling global.require to import Node modules.

global is Node’s global namespace object. You can use it to retrieve other global objects besides require, such as global.process. However, many of them are made available directly on the window object, so you can reference them without prefix, just as you would in Node:

console.log(window.process === global.process) // => true
console.log(process.env.USER) // "brzpegasus"
console.log(process.platform) // "darwin"

Naming Conflicts

Modules written with ES2015 (previously, ES6) syntax in your Ember app get transpiled into AMD for today’s browsers. This is problematic because AMD also specifies a require function for loading modules. In Ember CLI, this is implemented via ember-cli/loader.js.

By the time the app is done loading, any functionality that depends on the native UI library or Node modules will break as the require function would have been redefined.

You can get around this by saving a reference to Node’s require before loading any script. Once all scripts are loaded and executed, redefine require to work with both module systems. This is necessary as certain operations will not work with the alias:

// Before loading any script
window.requireNode = require;

// After all scripts are loaded
var requireAMD = require;

window.require = function() {
  try {
    return requireAMD.apply(null, arguments);
  } catch (error) {
    return requireNode.apply(null, arguments);

An Addon For All Your NW.js Needs

I’ve recently released an Ember CLI addon to help make this process easier. Simply install ember-cli-node-webkit, then start coding right away. All the configuration will be taken care of for you, so no need to worry about require naming conflicts.

The addon can build your project, watch for changes, and reload the page in NW.js during development. And when you’re ready to distribute, packaging is just one command away. The packaging is a wrapper around the excellent node-webkit-builder but the configuration is done automatically based on the addon’s understanding of your app structure.

I will not spend time talking about the addon in this blog post, but I invite you to check out the README to get familiar with all the options that are at your disposal.


When we first set out to build a desktop app for a client project, documentation on how to integrate NW.js with Ember was scarce. Even more scarce was documentation on how to integrate it with Ember CLI. I hope this post and this addon will provide some guidance to others down the road.

I’d love to share some code samples and discuss patterns you can adopt to make your NW.js app more manageable and testable, but they’d be too dense for this introductory blog post. However, you’ll be hearing more from me on this topic in the future!


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Narwin holding a press release sheet while opening the DockYard brand kit box